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Family Builders

Family Builders 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Devil Proof Family

Family Builders Teenagers 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Isaiah 8:18 (KJV) Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me [are] for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Teenagers Know the friends that are in your teenagers lives. This is so critical. Many parents today are…
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Devil Proof Family

Family Builders: Teenagers 2

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Isaiah 8:18 (KJV) Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me [are] for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Teenagers Communication is essential. In order to do that you must get into the world they live in.…
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Devil Proof Family

Family Builders: Teenagers 1

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Isaiah 8:18 (KJV) Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me [are] for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.  Let’s talk about teenagers. Without a doubt this is the most challenging stage of life; for parents and…
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Family Builders

Family Building 1

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Family Builders

Family Builders 4

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift 2

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:4 (NKJV) Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So [are] the children of one’s youth. 5 Happy [is] the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Training your children is…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:3 (KJV) Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. Children just don’t turn out right or wrong by the luck of the draw. They are a gift to your family but they must be trained. Psalm 127…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift VIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:4 (NKJV) Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So [are] the children of one’s youth. Happy [is] the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Children are like arrows. There…
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Family Builders

Husband’s Love II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Husband’s Love Ephesians 5:25 (NLT) For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. We are living in the age of distractions. There are so many things pulling at you constantly. I was at a light today in traffic. The car…
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Family Builders

Husband’s Love

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Husband’s Love Ephesians 5:25 (NLT) For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. My grandson is fourteen. He went on his first semi-date recently. I say semi-date because it was very well chaperoned by his parents. It was a dance…
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Family Builders

Reigning in Marriage

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Reigning in Marriage Genesis 1:26 (NLT) Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign… Men and women in marriage were created on a high level, to operate much like God. Marriage is designed to reign and rule in life. From the beginning…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Man was created first in the garden of Eden. Before he was given the gift of a bride God trained him as a son. There were 4 things that God taught him. #3 Adam had disciplines in his life. God created…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When my son Joshua was around the age of 5 he came to his mother one day with a question, “If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, who is the mother?” His little mind was picking up on…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is designed to be the building block that makes the world turn. God created the world and the first thing he established was marriage. God created the man first and established him before he gave him his wife. God taught…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Do you pray together? One of the keys to marriage intimacy is praying together. Why? Prayer is an intimate thing. When you pray together and open up your heart to God in the presence of your spouse, it opens you up…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The number one key for success in marriage is if you each put Jesus #1 and serve him as Lord, individually. If you both will do that, it is pretty much impossible to get a divorce. Think about it. If you…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. One of the keys to successful marriage is that you bond together. Bonding is a chemistry term. Life is produced when chemical compounds bond and they create a new substance. For instance, the human body needs salt to survive. So, lets…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is the most holy relationship 2 people on earth can have. It was designed to unite a man and woman in the greatest intimacy on every level of life; spirit, soul…
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Family Builders

Family Builders 1

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Isaiah 8:18 (KJV) Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me [are] for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Trudi and I had radical conversions for Jesus when we had only been married a few months. When…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Marriage is designed to be lived out with the Holy Spirit being present and allowing Him to play a big part. I’m convinced we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to help us like he wants to. Understand this. He is a gentleman. He won’t force himself on us. He has to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The biggest reason for conflict in marriage? No doubt, it is misunderstanding each other. When it comes to resolving misunderstandings, the onus for leadership is given to the husband. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) In the same way, you husbands must give…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The Bible begins with the story of a married couple walking with God. But Adam and Eve disobeyed their God directive. The result? Extreme loss. They lost their home and lifestyle. But the most devastating loss they experienced was the presence…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is at the apex of all human relationships. It is the only relationship that joins 2 people, a man and a woman, and makes them one. Malachi 2:15 (NLT) Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is at the apex of all human relationships. It is the only relationship that joins 2 people, a man and a woman, and makes them one. Malachi 2:15 (NLT) Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VIIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The Bible begins with the story of a married couple walking with God. But Adam and Eve disobeyed their God directive. The result? Extreme loss. They lost their home and lifestyle. But the most devastating loss they experienced was the presence…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. “So why am I having so much difficulty in my marriage? I love my spouse, but we just can’t seem to get along. What is our problem?” Yes, we need to learn secrets about how men and women think and we…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. It is a corrective book. God doesn’t mince any words and is very direct in it. Let’s look at a portion of it that speaks about marriage. Malachi 2:15…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VI

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When two people are married they become one. The only thing comparable to marriage is when you make Jesus your Lord. You become one in Him. It’s hard to wrap your mind around it. The Bible calls it a mystery. Marriage…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part V

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage lived at the highest level is not 2 but 3…man, woman, and the Holy Spirit. Each one in the relationship has a unique role. One of the reasons God made the man first is because He made the man to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part IV

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage is Unity in Diversity Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Unity is not sameness. Unity doesn’t mean you will agree on everything. True unity happens when a man and a woman are able to operate together in the uniqueness that they have been created by God to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part III

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When my son Joshua was around the age of 5 he came to his mother one day with a question, “If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, who is the mother?” His little mind was picking up on…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage God made declaration about the purpose for marriage in the beginning of the Bible. Voice Translation Genesis 1:26, “Now let Us conceive a new creation —humanity— made in Our image , fashioned according to Our likeness. And let Us grant them authority (over all the earth —the fish in the sea…
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Family Builders

Honoring V

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring 1 Peter 3:7 (NKJV) Husbands, likewise, dwell with [them] with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel… We’ve been talking about ways husbands can honor their wives. This tells us the wife is the weaker vessel. A vessel is a container that holds something. For instance, a…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Marriage is the most holy relationship 2 people on earth can have. It was designed to unite a man and woman in the greatest intimacy on every level of life; spirit, soul and body. Ecclesiastes 4:12, “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord…
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Family Builders

Honoring III

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together… We have established that acts of honor in your marriage will take you to higher levels of life. God’s will for our marriage is not to…
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Family Builders

Honoring II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honor One of the most powerful principles to understand about building a strong marriage is to give honor to each other. Although honor is a two way street, God has designed husbands to lead in the marriage covenant. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) “In the same way, you husbands must give honor to…
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Family Builders

Casting Vision for the Mission

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Casting Vision for the Mission Submission means to come under a mission. Healthy, thriving churches and businesses have a defined purpose or goal. Vision is cast and brainstorming ideas are made by key members of the team, planning how to reach the goal. Husbands, your wives will be able to submit well…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring Love always costs something. When we place value on something, we pay its worth through honor. It’s like if we own something that was extremely expensive, we would treat it differently than something we picked up at the dollar store. We would prize it, keep it safe and handle it with…
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Family Builders

Sowing Seeds

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Sowing Seeds The enemy attacks what he fears. He fears families passing their faith to their children. It’s one of the biggest threats to him. So what happens when we sow seeds? When we sow God’s Word into the hearts of our kids, it is incorruptible seed that never goes away. You…
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Family Builders

Your Marriage Has an Enemy

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Your Marriage Has an Enemy Adam and Eve began their marriage in the perfect environment. This was before the fall. The weather was perfect. They had a wonderful home. They had no bills. Adam didn’t even have to deal with a mother in law! (Just kidding). So what happened? They underestimated the…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Listen We all want to be heard and we believe our opinion is important. One of the keys to open, honest communication is not just being heard, but listening to your spouse. Listening is more than just hearing with your ears. It is listening with your heart. In Matthew 11:15, Jesus said,…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Deposits Satan sees marriage as a threat to his grand design. Great marriages don’t just happen. There is no record of the serpent coming around the garden of Eden until Adam and Eve got married. But before the ink was dry on the license, he shows up. Why? He saw this marriage…
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BlogDevil Proof Family

Passing the Baton

Maybe you’ve heard of the song “Live Like You Were Dying” that was a big country music hit a few years ago. The premise of the song asked the question…If you knew that you were going to die in a short time, what would you do? The answer was basically this, if I really knew…
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The Most Important Job in the World

Just maybe the most important job in the world is…wait for it…parenting. That’s right. Not leading a corporation, or inventing a miracle cure, or even pastoring a church that touches the world for Jesus Christ. We are talking about raising kids that you: parents; moms and dads, pass down Biblical values, training, and your heart…
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Devil Proof Family

Life is Like a Book

I want to quote a famous philosopher. His name is Forrest Gump. You remember him. He said; and I quote, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” I’m going to change his metaphor. I believe life is like a book. A good book has different chapters that build upon each chapter until you reach a…
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BlogDevil Proof Family


Trudi and I have traveled to churches all over the country the last 20 years. We have conducted many meetings and seminars dealing with the subject of marriage. Marriage is the foundational relationship that causes life to work on planet earth. Great marriages don’t just happen by the luck of the draw. They must be…
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Accomplished Woman

Ruth: The Crossroads

Accomplished Woman Women of the Bible Series By Trudi Blount Ruth || The Crossroads In our last post we see Ruth left at the crossroads of who she would follow: Naomi or Orpah. From Ruth 1:8-14, Naomi endeavors to make them both understand the depth of the commitment they will have to make returning to…
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Accomplished Woman

Ruth: Her Example

Accomplished Woman Women of the Bible series by Trudi Blount Ruth || Her Example Ruth 1:14 … Ruth clung to her… Ruth is an extraordinary example of a godly woman. She faced a great crossroads. The character that she portrayed with her decision concerning Naomi is remarkable. You can’t help but be moved by her…
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Accomplished Woman

Ruth: Her History

Accomplished Woman Women of the Bible Series By Trudi Blount Ruth || Her history The Book of Ruth begins towards the end of the era of Judges, sometime between 1385 – 1051.B.C. Ruth is probably one of the most lovable women in the Bible and her story is certainly the most beautiful love story. Ruth’s…
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Your House Can Be Saved

Your house can be saved At this point in my life I rest assured in the assignment that Jesus placed on Trudi and me. We are called to preach the gospel with an emphasis on family issues. As I see it, the core dilemma the entire world is dealing with finds its roots in the…
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The Devil is a Liar

The devil is a liar. There. I said it. I just need to get that out of my system. And this enemy of our souls works overtime to keep people from knowing the goodness and benevolence God gives us through what Jesus Christ did for the whole world. His first strategy is to keep people…
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Welcome to February 2021. With Valentine’s Day happening this month, it is a time that people think about love and marriage. In the kingdom of God, marriage is the foundational building block for life on planet earth. You could say it this way: God created the earth, then He created a marriage to bring forth…
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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome to 2021. So what does the new year hold for us? No doubt we see many challenges on the horizon both nationally and globally. So as believers in Jesus Christ what do we need to focus on as we enter this new year? I heard a phrase recently that another…
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Jesus Is Lord

Welcome to December. It’s no revelation to anybody when I say that we are living in very uncertain times. 2020 is definitely going into the record books as unique to any year that I personally have ever lived. The political upheaval has created a great sense of uncertainty. No doubt we have all been affected…
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Turn Your Hearts

God called Trudi and me to start a traveling ministry 18 years ago. The Lord directed us to preach specifically on what the Bible teaches about family: the importance of marriage and training our children. Our calling is to local churches, primarily in the USA. But 6 years ago we were invited to go to…
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Combat Division

Divide. Division. I want to zero in on those words with you today. We live in the most divisive times in the history of the world. We see division in how people see this virus that has swept the world. Dividing lines between those that wear masks and those who don’t want to. Deep divisions…
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Celebrating 50 Years Married

August 28 is always a very special day for Trudi and me. It is the date that we got married in 1970. And this year August 28 was a landmark. It marked our 50th anniversary. We were so young back then. I was 19 years old and Trudi had just turned 17. (Let me be…
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Great Families Don’t Just Happen

Acts 3:25 (NKJV) “You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed.’” Let me explain the context of this verse. This is after the Holy Spirit has been poured out on the…
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Listen Carefully for the Voice of the Spirit

Romans 8:14 (KJV) For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For 18 years Trudi and I have traveled to churches, primarily in the USA to teach on the biblical principles of family. In 2014 I was invited to go to South Africa with a pastor…
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Beautifully Authentic

Proverbs 31:30 Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears The Lord should be praised. What you look like does NOT determine your value. Have you heard that before? Probably so, and it’s true no doubt, but sometimes it goes in one ear and out the other. Why? Because over time, our…
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Such A Time As This

So, is this a massive world conspiracy? Is this judgement for sin? Is the Coronavirus a sign that the world is about to end? Or is this maybe a precursor to the greatest move of God’s Spirit we have ever witnessed? Whatever it is, it has certainly gotten the whole world’s attention. I have been…
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He is the Master of Resurrections

My how things have changed in the 30 days since I wrote my last article. In just a month we have gone from the routines of daily life to a general, world wide, stay at home quarantine because of the Coronavirus.This pandemic has affected us in ministry. We can’t meet publicly anymore because of the…
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BlogDevil Proof Family

Declaring Boldness

​I want to declare with all boldness to you today that God is real, God is good, and God’s Word is true. Let me explain. I woke up on January 22 feeling like I was maybe getting the flu. I went to the bathroom and the sick feeling became overwhelming. I went to my knees…
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Just Do It.

Warning! Danger! Proceed forward with great care and intentionality. The road is foreboding and fraught with a severe possibility of hazard. What am I warning you about? The attack on marriage in our culture in 2020. It is without precedent and unrelenting. Why are you being so negative Pastor Ken? I mean, after all, it’s…
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Devil Proof Family

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year. Welcome to 2020! What will happen this year? What does the future hold? We won’t know every detail, but I believe God wants to show us, His church, a vision of what is ahead in this new year. 20/20 vision means your eyes are sharp and you are able to focus and…
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Christ Is Born

Did you know that the success of Jesus being born actually was dependent on the decisions of a young engaged couple? Let’s take a fresh look at the Christmas story. The angel Gabriel appears to Mary. She was probably as young as 13-14 years old. He came with an earth shaking announcement. “Mary, you are…
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Full of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving month. Giving thanks is a powerful principle. When you just tell somebody thank you…when you express sincere gratitude to someone for something they did…something happens, right? The very atmosphere is transformed. And when you express appreciation to God for His blessings in your life something happens even bigger. It brings His presence on the…
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Greetings in Jesus’ name and thank you for taking the time to read this article. Names are very important. You identify people by the name they were given at birth. Isaiah 9:6 is prophetic about the coming Messiah and the different attributes of His name. It begins by saying His name will be called “Wonderful.”…
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You Were Born for This Time!

Did you know that life is just not all about you? I know that’s a pretty blunt way to open an article but stay with me. I promise it gets better. Yes, God loves you and wants to bless you. That is the heart of the gospel. Your time on planet earth is very important…
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Protect Your Kids

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video! Sincerely, Your Ken Blount Ministry Family
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Transferring Your Heart for God to Your Children

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!   Sincerely, Your Ken Blount Ministry Family
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Taking Turns

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!   Sincerely, Your Ken Blount Ministry Family
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What’s an Important Ingredient in Marriage?

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – these short clips help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Does Your Family Have VISION?

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – these short clips help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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The Wife Rides Shotgun

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Know Your Position in the Car

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Jesus Can Fix Wrecked Cars

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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It’s Not an Option to “Trade the Car”

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Marriage On Autopilot

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Marriage Down the Road of Life

Family Moments: Road Trip Series – Watch our video series to help STRENGTHEN your marriage and family! You can check out the rest of the series when you click the video!  
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Purpose – God Isn’t Done Yet!

No matter what you are facing, no matter what you’ve done or how young or old you might be, God is not done with you yet. If you are still breathing (you might want to check and see if you are) you still have purpose for living. But it’s time to get on with it.…
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Fighting for Freedom: How to Respond to Attacks

The 4th of July is upon us. This is the month America celebrates freedom as a nation. I pray that you are enjoying the reality of the freedom and liberty that Jesus paid such a great price to give us. I want to remind you; Jesus didn’t come just so you could go to heaven…
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Steps to Breakthrough!

Greetings this month in Jesus name. We pray that you are walking in the blessing that God ordained for us to walk in through this powerful thing called the gospel. Gospel means good news, and the good news in essence is this: everything that Adam and Eve lost in the fall, yes…everything…the marriage challenges we…
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Ministry Buzz: People need the truth like never before…

It is such a privilege to be called into the ministry. Every day I see more and more evidence of how vital our calling is. Trudi and I are preachers of the gospel, but our special emphasis is on family issues. As we travel to local churches, produce resources, and oversee family ministry in our…
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What Teams Did God Ordain?

Welcome to Spring 2019 and thank you for taking the time to read our letter this month. We thank God that He has allowed us to have a voice to His people and we get to be a part of this great team called the church. When you think about it, the Lord is really…
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God’s Plan for YOU Isn’t Over!

No matter what challenges you may be facing as you read this today, I want you to know this: God has a plan for you. Even though you may be facing some daunting circumstances, even though you might feel like you messed things up so bad even Jesus can’t help you fix it; God’s plan…
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Does your family have VISION?

1 month down already. My, how time flies. We pray that your year is going well. Trudi and I spent some time last month in prayer and fasting for 21 days. The Lord has been talking to us about the importance of getting specific about what we are trusting God for and writing down our…
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New Year, New Opportunities

Happy New Year to all! A new year speaks to putting the past in the past and of having a brand new, fresh start. I am excited for the new opportunities and challenges ahead. Let’s do this thing, in Jesus name! I want to update you on what is happening with us as we enter…
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Leave Legacy: Tell Your Stories

Christmas time is the best time of the year. It is also a great opportunity to tell stories of God’s faithfulness to your children and grandchildren. I have been preaching on legacy in the month of December to the churches we have visited. I want to share a story with you that I have been…
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“Who Will Reach the Children?”

My wife Trudi’s gifting flows in the prophetic. She wrote something that I really sensed the anointing on for the times we are living and wanted to share it with you, our friends and partners, this month. “Sometimes it disturbs me how some people seem to view ministry. There is a syndrome prevalent in the…
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Jesus: The Great HEALER of Families!

Let’s talk about family. When you think about God and the way He operates, family is everything. The very reason for the creation of human beings is because God wanted a family. When we know Jesus, we are not part of a Christian organization. We become a member of God’s family. God is our father.…
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Why was Abraham chosen?

Greetings to you in the mighty name of Jesus. Trudi and I are called to preach the gospel. Our special emphasis is family, marriage and raising kids. This is so important for all of us to understand if we are to fulfill the God ordained purposes for our lives. Think about it this way. God…
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What does God say about rest?

I have a word for you this month. Rest. It is very important to understand what this means. No doubt life on the earth in 2018 is full of things to do. Just listen to people when you ask the question, “How are you doing?” There is about a 96% chance the exhausted answer will…
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Fighting for What Matters Most

July is the month that we reflect back on and celebrate the great price that our forefathers fought for, so that we Americans might live liberated lives. But there are enemies to our country’s freedoms that are always at work. They are extremely deceptive but are ever present. We must open our eyes and be…
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Ministry Buzz: Supernatural signs…

PRAISING GOD for this amazing story! God confirms His Word with signs following… We were preaching on Father’s Day in Norco, California. At the end of the service, I sensed the Holy Spirit say, “There is somebody here that has a heart condition and also somebody who has rotator cuff issues. Jesus wants to heal…
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Dad’s…You’re IMPORTANT! Father’s Day Promo

We continue to travel across America doing marriage seminars and preaching on family principles. Building a strong family that loves and serves Jesus is a great challenge in the culture of our day, but it CAN be done. I believe a big key…no…I’m going to say THE big key in building a strong family is…
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Psalm 91: A Weapon in Itself

PSALM 91: A WEAPON IN ITSELF By Trudi Blount When we face challenges and fear comes against us, then we know it is time to go back to the basics of living by faith in God’s Word. One of the basics to do this is not to fear! The Word of God tells us in…
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Created for more than just surviving…

I want to talk to you today about vision in your marriage. I believe every marriage needs goals that we keep reaching toward. Vision is the thing that keeps us together through the ups and downs of life. We have been created for more than just paying the bills and surviving. God has created every…
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The key to 47 years of marriage?

I want to encourage you about your marriage today, especially those of you who might be having some marriage issues. Let me just be honest. Nobody has a perfect marriage. It takes work and giving on both sides if you are going to be successful. Trudi and I have been married 47 years. You would…
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MINISTRY BUZZ: What a year!

2017 was an impactful year of ministry, visiting 36 cities, ministering the practical power of the Word concerning family issues. We are thrilled to hear testimonies of what God is doing to heal marriages and families across the nation, by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit. Along with launching several new teaching resources this…
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Kids are our FUTURE!

Our core saying here at KBM is “ALL little kids grow up and turn into REAL people. “ The evidence coming back years later, such as this, is a reminder of this fundamental truth that keeps us moving: kids are our future and GOD’S WORD planted in their hearts is incorruptible…it cannot be destroyed. It…
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Kids music to build up little ones…

We LOVE hearing from you! We are so thankful God is using our Kids Praise & Worship music to get the Word in the hearts of kids. Check out what was shared with our ministry: “Anything by Ken Blount Ministries is absolutely great and my favorite music to help build your little one.” -Florida KBM…
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We ♥ Testimonies!

We LOVE hearing from adults who were once kids who grew up with our FAITH BUILDING resources for kids! Planting the knowledge of God’s Word is profitable and worthwhile! ♥ As incorruptible seed, this is proof that all those years ago, when planted in the hearts of kids, the WORD is still in their hearts…
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MINISTRY BUZZ: “Your children will come back…”

As I write this letter, I am flying home from a meeting this weekend. I am still excited from the service last night as the presence of God met us in a powerful way. I preached on the importance of what the Bible says about our children, as I do just about every weekend. At…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #33

The “Accomplished Woman” will be rewarded! Proverbs 31:31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates. I love this conclusion: Give her the fruit of her hands… To “give” here actually means to appoint. The “fruit” spoken of here is her reward in life. And…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #32

The “Accomplished Woman’s” duty was the “fear of The Lord”! Proverbs 31:29-30 29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all. 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Can you imagine a woman who excels above all women? We should remember…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #31

The “Accomplished Woman” is praised by her children! Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Children here would also include the grandchildren. The term arise here, or “rise up” can be translated succeed. The word “blessed” can translate “to lead or guide.” Her husband also…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #30

The “Accomplished Woman” knows how to Sabbath! Proverbs 31:27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness. Although the “Accomplished Woman” worked hard, we know she was not a workaholic. How can I say that? If she was, she would have been in disobedience to the law…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #29

Today I would like to give honor to my precious daughter in law, Sarah Newsom Blount. She is definitely one of my heroes of the faith.  Her choice to advance through the adversities she has faced with such courage, grace and faith has challenged and inspired us all. Sarah, thank you for valiantly facing the…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #28

The “Accomplished Woman” peers into the distance! Proverbs 31:27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness. The “Accomplished Woman” looks well…this means “to lean forward or peer into the distance.” In other words, she doesn’t live for the moment but her actions reflect a concern and…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #27

The “Accomplished Woman” is kind to God! Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness. She opens her mouth with wisdom…The word “wisdom” is found 54 times in the book of Proverbs alone. Proverbs tells us that wisdom cries…is received….is laid up for…is found…it dwells…it builds,…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #26

The “Accomplished Woman” has the last laugh! Proverbs 31:25 Strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come. Carefully read the definition of these verses that are broken down from the Hebrew version: 25 Strength (force, security, majesty, praise) and honor (magnificence, that is, ornament or splendor) are her clothing…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #25

The “Accomplished Woman” looks good in purple! Proverbs 31:22-24 22 She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. 24 She makes fine linen, and sells it; and delivers girdles unto the merchant. These verses…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #24

The “Accomplished Woman” is the big IF! Proverbs 31:23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. The influence of a woman is a very powerful thing. I believe the old saying, “behind every good man is a good woman” is irrevocably true! The reverse is seldom…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #23

The “Accomplished Woman” knows how to dress! Proverbs 31:22 She makes tapestry for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple. As we look in retrospect at what we have learned to this point, we must remember these scriptures concerning the virtuous woman were the ABC’s of what a young man was to look for…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #22

The “Accomplished Woman” smiles at the future! Proverbs 31:21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet. One translation says she smiles at the future. I like that! This verse is still tied to verse 20. Because she is a giver and sows into others,…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #21

The “Accomplished Woman” gives living bread to the poor! Proverbs 31:20 She stretches out her hand to the poor; yea, she reaches forth her hands to the needy. Stretch means to break apart, disperse, etc., to break, chop in pieces.  This term “poor” means someone who is distressed and depressed, in mind or circumstances. But…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #20

The “Accomplished Woman” rides shotgun! We have a teaching called “Marriage on the Road of Life.” In it, we describe in detail the distinctive way a woman was designed as the helper in the marriage. The scripture today exemplifies that role. Proverbs 31:19 She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #19

The “Accomplished Woman” stands boldly in her righteousness.   Proverbs 31:18 She perceives that her merchandise is good: her candle goes not out by night. I love the Amplified version of this scripture; Amplified Bible (AMP) 18 She tastes and sees that her gain from work [with and for God] is good; her lamp goes…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #18

The “Accomplished Women” strengthens herself. Proverbs 31:17 (NKJV) She GIRDS herself with strength, and strengthens her arms. This “Accomplished Woman” must strengthen herself to be the woman her family needs. The Amplified version broadens this thought; 17 She girds herself with strength [spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God-given task]. So this strength we…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #17

The “Accomplished Woman” is balanced. Proverbs 31:16 She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. Using the term balanced for this woman may seem to be a veiled observation of this verse, but let’s look in light of previous verses. Verse 10 says she’s a great…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #16

The “Accomplished Woman” was a mentor! Proverbs 31:15 b… And provides food for her household, and a portion for her maidservants. I believe this verse speaks to the fact that this woman was organized and a delegator. In the ancient times that this was written, a family’s survival must have depended on it. They were…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #15

The “Accomplished Woman” advances in adversity! Proverbs 31:15 She also rises while it is yet night, To rise doesn’t just mean to get up before daybreak and cook breakfast. It means to rise again against… to stand up…to stir up… strengthen one’s self and succeed. It’s a spiritual arising. Night here is referring to the adversity…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #14

The “Accomplished Woman” is sagacious! Proverbs 31:14 She is like the merchant ships, she brings her food from afar. The root word to sagacious is “sage”, which means wise man. It’s definition is “of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment or discerning.” So we could say maybe this woman scouts out where bargains are and will…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #13

The “Accomplished Woman” is an entrepreneur! Prov. 31:14 – She is like the merchant ships, She brings her food from afar. I have to say I meditated on this quite a while trying to understand what these verses were referring to. Then it hit me. This is speaking about this woman being an entrepreneur. We’re not…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #12

The “Accomplished Woman” is discerning! Proverbs 31:13 She seeks wool and flax, and willingly works with her hands. On the surface, it appears to be talking about the way this woman clothes her family for the different seasons of the year. Wool is a winter fabric and flax is made into linen which is would…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #11

Is the accomplished woman a superwoman? Let’s be very honest here. Sometimes as a woman, when you read Proverbs 31 at face value, it can be disheartening. When you read about all the accomplishments of this woman you may think, “Are you kidding me? Who in the world is really able to do all this?”…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #10

The “Accomplished Woman” is an asset to her husband. I want to use the “Complete Jewish Bible” translation here because I love the way it reads for this verse: Proverbs 31:11 Her husband trusts her from his heart, and she will prove a great asset to him. The King James says so that he shall…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #09

The “Accomplished Woman” tells the truth. Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her… A man needs his wife to tell him the truth. Her point of view is very important to him. He may not always like it, but if it’s done with love and respect, he will trust her in the…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #08

The “Accomplished Woman” respects! Proverbs 31:11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her… A husband safely trusts his wife with his heart when she respects and believes in him. One of the greatest gifts you can give to your husband is respect. It’s the fuel that keeps him going. It’s also one of his…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #07

Let’s review what we have learned so far. Proverbs 31 is written in an acrostic of the Hebrew alphabet. This means that, in relation to the listing of the Hebrew letters, we see the representation of God’s idea of the desirable characteristics of women. It was not just written for women to know the qualities…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #06

Proverbs 31:1 Who can find an accomplished woman? For her price (value) is far above rubies. We just discovered that rubies are stones of great value. Rubies also represent wisdom. Prov. 3:15 She (wisdom) is more precious than rubies: and all the things you could  desire are not to be compared to her. Prov. 8:11…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #05

Prov. 31:10 Who can find an accomplished woman? For her price (value) is far above rubies. The “Accomplished Woman” knows she is loved and accepted as an individual. She realizes that she is uniquely created and doesn’t have to compete with anyone. Her life is personalized and precious to Him. Psalm 45:10-11 10. Listen, daughter!…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #04

The “Accomplished Women” discovers her value and worth. Proverbs 31:10 Who can find an accomplished woman? For her price (value) is far above rubies. The true worth of the accomplished woman is compared to rubies, or some translations use the word pearls. To find a ruby or pearl it takes a lot of time and…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #03

Who can find a virtuous woman? The Hebrew language is a detailed, descriptive language that includes the revelations of God. In Hebrew there is a strong word to describe a woman of accomplishment. It has many layers. It is the Hebrew word “chayil” (pronounced ka’yeal). Who can find a virtuous (chayil) woman?… Pro 31:10 This word…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #02

Finding a Good Wife 101 What is Proverbs 31 really all about? It was designed to be a primer for men, from the common man to the king, for finding a good wife. You could call it, “Finding a good wife 101.” The last twenty- two verses of Proverbs 31 are known as scripture written…
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Accomplished Woman

The Accomplished Woman – #01

The Accomplished Woman is a tribute of praise to a righteous woman. Proverbs 31:1 The words of king Lemuel, (Solomon) the prophecy that his mother taught him. Many scholars have said this was written by King Solomon in honor of his mother Bathsheba. However, Jewish Rabbis say this was actually the eulogy Abraham spoke over…
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Devil Proof Family

His Lullaby

On December 6, 2013, the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex was covered in a thick layer of snow and ice while my husband and I were in the hospital welcoming our precious daughter, Sunny Joone.  After delivering her brother Felix still born just 17 months earlier we couldn’t have been happier as her little lamb like cry…
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Devil Proof Family

Prayer: It’s Easy

As parents, it’s very important that we make an effort to intentionally insert spiritual practices into everyday family life.  Jesus should be “normal” in your home… What I mean by that is Jesus should be a normal part of our everyday life! If we want our children and grandchildren to know about the power of Jesus Christ…
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Devil Proof Family

Parenting With Balance

Being a parent today can feel somewhat overwhelming.  It’s a constant balancing act.  You don’t want to be the heavy, but at the same time you don’t want to be a big softy. Think of a teeter-totter. Has your child ever been playing with another child on a teeter-totter when one of them sees something…
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Devil Proof Family

From Adversity To Advancement

Adversity is something that we all have to face. It's a part of life. The only way that you can get out of the battles of life is to die, so you might as well learn how to deal with them and live a life pleasing to Jesus.
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Devil Proof Family

Love Listens

God is a great listener. He listens because He loves us. When you come to Him with something on your heart, He not only receives you, but you have His full, undivided attention. You have the total interest and awareness of the God of the Universe concerning your problem.
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Devil Proof Family

Home Security – The Tracker

In our new teaching series “Home Security,” we talked about how angels are sort of like trackers in the old Western movies. The tracker always went out before the rest of the cowboys and the herd, looking for water, finding good places to sleep, making sure no one was waiting to steal the horses, etc.  The…
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Devil Proof Family

Home Security – God’s Security System

We live in a time where “protection” is all around us. We have organizations like the US Environmental Protection Agency to help protect human health and the environment.  We’ve got online fraud protection, the Bureau of Consumer Protection, and witness protection programs.  You can download virus protection for your computer.  Apple offers AppleCare protection plans…
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Devil Proof Family

Count Your Many Blessings

Because I’ve raised my own children and I now have four grandchildren, it helps me to understand God’s love for us as a Father and just how much He wants to bless us as His children. One day my little two-year-old granddaughter, Olivia, looked up at me and said “PaPa, I love you!” I took…
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Devil Proof Family

Marriage Science

In today’s culture, people think that relational chemistry is this magical thing between two people and everything will be perfect and you will live happily ever after. But a huge part of marriage is bending, stretching, listening and bonding. To put it bluntly, GROWING UP!  Ouch! Iron sharpening iron makes a sharper more precise weapon, but…
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Devil Proof Family

Teaching Children The Word With Music

What we teach our kids stays with them all of their lives. The values and morals that we teach by our words and our actions have a huge impact on who they are, what they will become and the way they look at the world. Even though they may not seem like it all the…
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Devil Proof Family

Recognizing The Voice Of The Enemy

The devil is the ultimate control freak.  He has no respect for boundaries at all.  He wants to force his way into your life in any way that he can. God is the polar opposite.  In order to be involved in your life, He must be invited.  He will never make you do anything.  He…
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Devil Proof Family

Speak Up – Framing your World with Your Words

Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God….  Hebrews 11:6  If you want to have God’s favor and be blessed, walking by faith is not just a choice or a ‘maybe.’  It’s EVERYTHING! If faith is so important to our pleasing God, then what should we do to get it? Let’s look at what God…
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Devil Proof Family

Mind That Compass – Ken Blount

If I got on a plane going to Chicago and the directional instruments on that plane were off by say, 10 degrees, instead of arriving in Chicago I would arrive in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I would be 400 miles off course. The further we go in life with our radar off, the further we can get…
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Devil Proof Family

Time Travel

Animal sacrifices are indeed difficult to comprehend in today’s society. What were they for? Animal sacrifices were meant as a way of intense confrontation with sin. The repentant would bring an animal for a sacrifice, lean himself upon the animal’s head, look into those large, shining innocent eyes, and watch the life drain out and be forced…
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Devil Proof Family

Prioritizing Joy In Your Marriage

“Laughter is as good medicine.”  That’s what the Bible says, and it’s true.  Well, at least, it’ssupposed to be. The problem that can creep into marriage relationships as time goes by is that our laughter begins to be directed AT our spouses, instead of us laughing WITH our spouses.  If this happens, the “medicine” of laughter becomes bitter, and that…
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Devil Proof Family

Brain Freeze In Marriage

Have you ever had a brain freeze? They hurt! For a few seconds you cant even think. When we don’t communicate in our marriages it hurts. One of the biggest issues in marriage is communication. Nothing is more frustrating for either one of you than the feeling of not being heard or that your opinion doesn’t…
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Devil Proof Family

Believe It Or Not: Your Teenagers Want To Spend Time With You

So you’re between the ages of 13 and 24. What makes you happy? As a parent of a young person, you may think your child would answer that question by saying something like money, possessions, or their friends, etc. But it turns out that the real answer is quite different.
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Devil Proof Family

All In

2 Corinthians 10:4-5 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Adam and Eve fell because they listened to the…
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Devil Proof Family

Parenting Is Not For Weenies

Your mindset in training your children is the key to success. Many parents are naïve. I speak from experience. I think I just assumed because we were raising our children in a Christian home they somehow wouldn’t face the same temptations as the world. But they will. Your children have flesh that has to be…
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Devil Proof Family

Faith That Heals Part 3

I did just a little bit of research on the state of health in America the other day, and in just a few minutes I came up with these stats. In the United States, 200,000 people are hospitalized and about 36,000 people die from complications caused by the flu each year. An estimated 2.1 million…
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Devil Proof Family

Faith That Heals Part 2

Abraham reached beyond the limits of his own mind and the limits of what other people had told him. “Against hope he believed in hope.” Against natural hope he believed in supernatural hope. Against the ability that he had, Abraham believed in God’s ability. Romans 4:19, in the original Greek says: “Without growing weak in…
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Devil Proof Family

Faith That Heals

It is clear from the Bible that Jesus healed and healed often. Jesus’s main ministry consisted of three things: Matthew 4:23 says, “Jesus went throughout Galilee, (1) teaching in their synagogues, (2) preaching the good news of the kingdom, and (3) healing every disease and sickness among the people.” Jesus’ big three were: 1. teaching …
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Devil Proof Family

Children & Perfect Praise

People that go by appearance and religious tradition will miss the spiritual potential that children have. For many years, children in the church were relegated to the back room of Sunday School classes. The instruction given to them was little more than spiritual babysitting. Much of the ministry for them was done in a boring,…
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Devil Proof Family

Pillar Girls – Training Daughters to be Beautiful Inside and Out

Psalm 144:12 May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace. Now I don’t know about you but when I think of a Pillar I don’t normally think beauty, but when this was written Pillars weren’t as they are now.  Pillars were a big deal!    Two pillars were incorporated into all…
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Devil Proof Family

God’s Thoughts Versus Satan’s Thoughts

The devil is the ultimate control freak. He has no respect for boundaries at all. He wants to force his way into your life in any way that he can. God is the polar opposite. In order to be involved in your life, He must be invited. He will never make you do anything. He…
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Devil Proof Family

Setting Goals As A Couple

We all enter into marriage with lofty expectations and dreams. That’s the easy part. The hard part is working day in and day out to keep your marriage dreams alive. We have all heard thousands of time that it is important to set goals. We’ve heard the statistics about how people who set goals are far…
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Devil Proof Family

Drip, Drip, Drip

The other day I was getting ready to start preparing dinner. Earlier that day I had set out some chicken to thaw but when I went to start preparing to cook it I noticed it was still pretty frozen. I quickly remembered back to a cooking segment I had seen on the food network that was talking about how to thaw meat quickly. In this segment they said the fastest way to thaw frozen meat is to set it under a slow constant drip. So I gave it a try.
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Devil Proof Family

Storm Scriptures

Every year around this time, we see severe weather across the United States that ranges from tornadoes, to floods and hail. As Christians we don’t have to just huddle up in the closet with our families and hope for the best. No, we have been given the authority to pray and speak to the weather…
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Devil Proof Family

Where Is All My Time Going?

How often have you heard someone say, "I can’t do that because I don't have the time"? Nowadays, people, both young and old, live life at such a hectic pace that there never seems to be enough time to complete all the things that they would like to do.
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Devil Proof Family

Evil Speaking

God has given man two abilities which separate him from all other living beings on Earth. He has been given the ability to make a choice and the ability to speak. In the Book of Genesis, in the original Hebrew text, it says, “Man was created a speaking spirit.”
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Devil Proof Family

Becoming a Joyful Mother of Children

When Ken and I first began walking with the Lord, we had tremendous conversions, and God immediately started to work in our lives. We saw Him do some miraculous things. He healed my incurable crossed eyes and set Ken free from alcoholism. But at times, our walk with Him wasn't as consistent as it should have been, and quite honestly, we didn't really know why.
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Devil Proof Family

Who’s Flying The Plane?

I'm sure at one point you have seen a bumper sticker slapped on the back of someone's car that says, "God Is My Copilot." I saw one just the other day, and it made me stop and think: Should God be considered a copilot?
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Devil Proof Family

Love – More Than A Feeling

The term “falling in love” gives you the idea that love is some overwhelming feeling that slams into you and there is nothing you can do to resist it. People talk about it as if love just takes you over by force and you “fall” right into it.
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