Full of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving month. Giving thanks is a powerful principle. When you just tell somebody thank you…when you express sincere gratitude to someone for something they did…something happens, right? The very atmosphere is transformed.

And when you express appreciation to God for His blessings in your life something happens even bigger. It brings His presence on the scene. See, the devil’s domain is negativity and darkness. He wants to keep us in a place of fear and doubt. He wants us to focus on the problems that surround us constantly. The problems may exist. Yes, they are real. But the spirit of thanksgiving will push all that bad stuff back and dispel it. It has to go.

What I’m telling you is Bible. I like what this scripture says in the old King James:

2 Corinthians 2:14 (KJV) Now thanks [be] unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.

Did you get it? Giving thanks will ALWAYS cause you to triumph. And when do you give thanks? Not after the situation is fixed. No. Now! Sometimes we think. “When God answers my prayer then I’ll thank Him.” The spirit of faith thanks God before the answer.

Try it. Bring your biggest challenge to Jesus today and before you get the answer, while that thing is staring you in the face defying you, begin to thank God that He is going to take care of it. Remember the blessings you’ve had in the past, and tell Him thank you for what He has done. If you will do this with your heart I promise it will lift you up. It will put some new wind in your sails.

Jesus loves you. The price has already been paid for whatever you’re dealing with. Giving thanks NOW, before the fact, will bring triumph and victory to you. It will release power and lift you up. You’ve just got to do it.

Trudi and I want to say thank you to all of you for your support, both financially and with your faith. We all need each other in this wonderful thing called the church.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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