Family Builders



Family Builders

Weekly teaching on biblical, practical keys that will help you build your family God’s way.

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Family Builders

Family Builders 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Family Builders

Family Building 1

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Family Builders

Family Builders 4

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Malachi 4:5 (NKJV) Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. Malachi 4:6 (NKJV) And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift 2

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:4 (NKJV) Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So [are] the children of one’s youth. 5 Happy [is] the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Training your children is…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:3 (KJV) Lo, children [are] an heritage of the LORD: [and] the fruit of the womb [is his] reward. Children just don’t turn out right or wrong by the luck of the draw. They are a gift to your family but they must be trained. Psalm 127…
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Family Builders

Children: The Greatest Gift VIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Children: The Greatest Gift Psalms 127:4 (NKJV) Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So [are] the children of one’s youth. Happy [is] the man who has his quiver full of them; They shall not be ashamed, But shall speak with their enemies in the gate. Children are like arrows. There…
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Family Builders

Husband’s Love II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Husband’s Love Ephesians 5:25 (NLT) For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. We are living in the age of distractions. There are so many things pulling at you constantly. I was at a light today in traffic. The car…
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Family Builders

Husband’s Love

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Husband’s Love Ephesians 5:25 (NLT) For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her. My grandson is fourteen. He went on his first semi-date recently. I say semi-date because it was very well chaperoned by his parents. It was a dance…
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Family Builders

Reigning in Marriage

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Reigning in Marriage Genesis 1:26 (NLT) Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign… Men and women in marriage were created on a high level, to operate much like God. Marriage is designed to reign and rule in life. From the beginning…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Man was created first in the garden of Eden. Before he was given the gift of a bride God trained him as a son. There were 4 things that God taught him. #3 Adam had disciplines in his life. God created…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When my son Joshua was around the age of 5 he came to his mother one day with a question, “If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, who is the mother?” His little mind was picking up on…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is designed to be the building block that makes the world turn. God created the world and the first thing he established was marriage. God created the man first and established him before he gave him his wife. God taught…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Do you pray together? One of the keys to marriage intimacy is praying together. Why? Prayer is an intimate thing. When you pray together and open up your heart to God in the presence of your spouse, it opens you up…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The number one key for success in marriage is if you each put Jesus #1 and serve him as Lord, individually. If you both will do that, it is pretty much impossible to get a divorce. Think about it. If you…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. One of the keys to successful marriage is that you bond together. Bonding is a chemistry term. Life is produced when chemical compounds bond and they create a new substance. For instance, the human body needs salt to survive. So, lets…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is the most holy relationship 2 people on earth can have. It was designed to unite a man and woman in the greatest intimacy on every level of life; spirit, soul…
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Family Builders

Family Builders 1

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Family Builders Isaiah 8:18 (KJV) Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me [are] for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Trudi and I had radical conversions for Jesus when we had only been married a few months. When…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Marriage is designed to be lived out with the Holy Spirit being present and allowing Him to play a big part. I’m convinced we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to help us like he wants to. Understand this. He is a gentleman. He won’t force himself on us. He has to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The biggest reason for conflict in marriage? No doubt, it is misunderstanding each other. When it comes to resolving misunderstandings, the onus for leadership is given to the husband. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) In the same way, you husbands must give…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The Bible begins with the story of a married couple walking with God. But Adam and Eve disobeyed their God directive. The result? Extreme loss. They lost their home and lifestyle. But the most devastating loss they experienced was the presence…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is at the apex of all human relationships. It is the only relationship that joins 2 people, a man and a woman, and makes them one. Malachi 2:15 (NLT) Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage is at the apex of all human relationships. It is the only relationship that joins 2 people, a man and a woman, and makes them one. Malachi 2:15 (NLT) Didn’t the LORD make you one with your wife? In body…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VIIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The Bible begins with the story of a married couple walking with God. But Adam and Eve disobeyed their God directive. The result? Extreme loss. They lost their home and lifestyle. But the most devastating loss they experienced was the presence…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VIII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. “So why am I having so much difficulty in my marriage? I love my spouse, but we just can’t seem to get along. What is our problem?” Yes, we need to learn secrets about how men and women think and we…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VII

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. The book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament. It is a corrective book. God doesn’t mince any words and is very direct in it. Let’s look at a portion of it that speaks about marriage. Malachi 2:15…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part VI

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When two people are married they become one. The only thing comparable to marriage is when you make Jesus your Lord. You become one in Him. It’s hard to wrap your mind around it. The Bible calls it a mystery. Marriage…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part V

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Marriage lived at the highest level is not 2 but 3…man, woman, and the Holy Spirit. Each one in the relationship has a unique role. One of the reasons God made the man first is because He made the man to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part IV

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage is Unity in Diversity Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. Unity is not sameness. Unity doesn’t mean you will agree on everything. True unity happens when a man and a woman are able to operate together in the uniqueness that they have been created by God to…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part III

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken. When my son Joshua was around the age of 5 he came to his mother one day with a question, “If God is the father, and Jesus is the son, who is the mother?” His little mind was picking up on…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3 Part II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage God made declaration about the purpose for marriage in the beginning of the Bible. Voice Translation Genesis 1:26, “Now let Us conceive a new creation —humanity— made in Our image , fashioned according to Our likeness. And let Us grant them authority (over all the earth —the fish in the sea…
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Family Builders

Honoring V

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring 1 Peter 3:7 (NKJV) Husbands, likewise, dwell with [them] with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel… We’ve been talking about ways husbands can honor their wives. This tells us the wife is the weaker vessel. A vessel is a container that holds something. For instance, a…
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Family Builders

Marriage: The Power of 3

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Marriage Marriage is the most holy relationship 2 people on earth can have. It was designed to unite a man and woman in the greatest intimacy on every level of life; spirit, soul and body. Ecclesiastes 4:12, “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord…
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Family Builders

Honoring III

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together… We have established that acts of honor in your marriage will take you to higher levels of life. God’s will for our marriage is not to…
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Family Builders

Honoring II

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honor One of the most powerful principles to understand about building a strong marriage is to give honor to each other. Although honor is a two way street, God has designed husbands to lead in the marriage covenant. 1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) “In the same way, you husbands must give honor to…
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Family Builders

Casting Vision for the Mission

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Casting Vision for the Mission Submission means to come under a mission. Healthy, thriving churches and businesses have a defined purpose or goal. Vision is cast and brainstorming ideas are made by key members of the team, planning how to reach the goal. Husbands, your wives will be able to submit well…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Honoring Love always costs something. When we place value on something, we pay its worth through honor. It’s like if we own something that was extremely expensive, we would treat it differently than something we picked up at the dollar store. We would prize it, keep it safe and handle it with…
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Family Builders

Sowing Seeds

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Sowing Seeds The enemy attacks what he fears. He fears families passing their faith to their children. It’s one of the biggest threats to him. So what happens when we sow seeds? When we sow God’s Word into the hearts of our kids, it is incorruptible seed that never goes away. You…
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Family Builders

Your Marriage Has an Enemy

THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Your Marriage Has an Enemy Adam and Eve began their marriage in the perfect environment. This was before the fall. The weather was perfect. They had a wonderful home. They had no bills. Adam didn’t even have to deal with a mother in law! (Just kidding). So what happened? They underestimated the…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Listen We all want to be heard and we believe our opinion is important. One of the keys to open, honest communication is not just being heard, but listening to your spouse. Listening is more than just hearing with your ears. It is listening with your heart. In Matthew 11:15, Jesus said,…
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Family Builders


THIS WEEK’S PROJECT Deposits Satan sees marriage as a threat to his grand design. Great marriages don’t just happen. There is no record of the serpent coming around the garden of Eden until Adam and Eve got married. But before the ink was dry on the license, he shows up. Why? He saw this marriage…
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