


Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken.

One of the keys to successful marriage is that you bond together. Bonding is a chemistry term. Life is produced when chemical compounds bond and they create a new substance. For instance, the human body needs salt to survive. So, lets say you know that sodium and chloride create salt. You decide to take a shot of raw sodium and a dose of chloride. But you can’t do that. In their raw forms they are toxic and will kill you.

That’s what happens to many marriages. They never bond like they should and the result is toxicity and even death.

So what’s the key to bonding? Words. Words bond you together or split you apart. God bonded you spiritually when you made your wedding vows. Sex bonds you physically. Your words will either bond or separate you in your thought realm.

Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV) Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Words are powerful! It is in your power to either create or destroy with your words. So, what do you say?


When you are discussing something with your spouse learn the humble art of listening. You don’t listen with your ears. You listen with your heart. Surveys say that when having a discussion, most people listen for about 15 seconds, then stop listening and begin to mentally prepare how they are going to answer what’s being said. Discipline yourself to listen. Big key: make eye contact. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Looking in each other’s eyes help you focus. Also, touch helps you stay connected at a physical level. Look, touch, and listen.


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