

Reigning in Marriage

Genesis 1:26 (NLT) Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign…

Men and women in marriage were created on a high level, to operate much like God. Marriage is designed to reign and rule in life. From the beginning it was all about a man and woman coming together, having children and fulfilling a God ordained purpose.

Although we are created like God, we are not Gods. We were created to partner together with each other and God. Marriage is designed to have God in the middle of it. What did Adam and Eve lose in the garden? They lost God. It was devastating and marriage was skewed. But Jesus came and restored God back into our marriages.

It won’t be perfect, because we will be challenged, but with the presence of the Holy Spirit you can now fulfill your marriage purpose.


Pray together. If you’ve never done this as a couple it can be a little uncomfortable. The best way to start is just start. Start with a scripture.

Mark 11:24 (NLT) I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

Determine something you want to pray about together. Play a worship song and welcome Gods presence. Pray according to the scripture and then thank God that He promised to answer.

Here is the amazing thing. Learning to pray together will produce intimacy and bind you closer. The divorce rate in America is 50%, but for people who pray together it drops to 1%! So pray together. You’ll be amazed at what it will produce.


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