Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken.
Marriage lived at the highest level is not 2 but 3…man, woman, and the Holy Spirit. Each one in the relationship has a unique role. One of the reasons God made the man first is because He made the man to lead. Maybe a better way to say that is the man was created to be the responsible one.
We know that Adam ate the fruit in disobedience to God’s command. Yes, it was Eve that brought the fruit to him, but it is not called the sin of Eve. It is the sin of Adam. Why? Adam should have taken the responsibility to protect his wife from the serpent. But he retreated. He didn’t take responsibility.
Have a discussion about how the leadership of the man looks in your marriage. As a man are you taking responsibility to lead? This is not saying that the man is lording it over his wife. No! But are you protecting and cherishing her as the # 1 priority over every other human relationship that you have? Does your job take priority over her? It shouldn’t.

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