


Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken.

The number one key for success in marriage is if you each put Jesus #1 and serve him as Lord, individually. If you both will do that, it is pretty much impossible to get a divorce.

Think about it. If you both are serving God, you will walk in love and solve issues that come up from time to time. If Jesus is Lord of you both, you will keep your marriage vows of faithfulness. When your spouse does something that offends you, (which will inevitably happen because we are not perfect), you will just work it out because you want to be right with God above all else.

You will work to overcome every challenge because you want to please God first, and because you love him even more than you love your spouse, you will be humble before the Lord to do the right thing.


Do a heart check; a brutally honest heart check. Is there anything between both of you that you haven’t dealt with? Are there any resentments you haven’t dealt with personally that are eating at you? Go to the Lord and ask Him to show you anything that is keeping you from full fellowship with your spouse. Deal with the issue before Him individually, then set aside a time to discuss it together. Repent to your spouse if you need to. Keep Jesus and a clean heart #1. Don’t let things build up. When they do, you are opening the door for the enemy to come in.


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