


Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken.

Man was created first in the garden of Eden. Before he was given the gift of a bride God trained him as a son. There were 4 things that God taught him.

#3 Adam had disciplines in his life. God created Adam and put him in the garden of Eden. It must have been a beautiful place. God wanted him to enjoy his life there. He told him he could freely eat of all the different trees that had the most beautiful fruit. But there was one tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told him, “the day you eat of that tree is the day that you will surely die!” What was that all about? It was about having discipline in your life. It was about making good choices. It was about saying no to the bad and yes to the good. And more than all that, it was about obeying God. It was about putting God #1.


Have an honest discussion as husband and wife. It may sting but be honest. Are there disciplines in your life that you have been overriding? Do you have spending habits you need to deal with? Are you eating and exercising? Are you honoring God in your finances? Are you going to church services weekly? Are you training your children? Is there a sin that is domination your life? What can you do practically to take new steps for your success? It’s up to you.


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