Just Do It.

Warning! Danger! Proceed forward with great care and intentionality. The road is foreboding and fraught with a severe possibility of hazard. What am I warning you about? The attack on marriage in our culture in 2020. It is without precedent and unrelenting. Why are you being so negative Pastor Ken? I mean, after all, it’s…

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Christ Is Born

Did you know that the success of Jesus being born actually was dependent on the decisions of a young engaged couple? Let’s take a fresh look at the Christmas story. The angel Gabriel appears to Mary. She was probably as young as 13-14 years old. He came with an earth shaking announcement. “Mary, you are…

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Full of Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving month. Giving thanks is a powerful principle. When you just tell somebody thank you…when you express sincere gratitude to someone for something they did…something happens, right? The very atmosphere is transformed. And when you express appreciation to God for His blessings in your life something happens even bigger. It brings His presence on the…

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Greetings in Jesus’ name and thank you for taking the time to read this article. Names are very important. You identify people by the name they were given at birth. Isaiah 9:6 is prophetic about the coming Messiah and the different attributes of His name. It begins by saying His name will be called “Wonderful.”…

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