Devil-Proof Your Family: Downloadable STUDY GUIDE



Downloadable  Small Groups Study Guide

This is a downloadable/printable Small Group Study Guide to follow along with the Devil Proof book. *study guide ONLY, book sold separately*

The Devil-Proof Your Family Study Guide provides 6-weeks of discussion questions for groups of all sizes to help apply what they learn in Devil-Proof Your Family. Includes actionable take-home ideas to further your growth as a family.

(book description)
A quick glance at recent news headlines is all you need to see evidence of a spiritual attack on families. Satan knows that the most effective way to destroy a society is by annihilating strong homes. Victorious families don’t just happen, but there is good news. God has given you potent weapons designed to stop the devil in his tracks.

In Devil-Proof Your Family authors Ken and Trudi Blount explain what the Bible says about how to keep the devil out of your home. This book outlines specific Bible-based strategies that will empower you to:

  •  Develop the mindset of a warrior parent/spouse
  •  Safeguard your home from cultural anarchy
  •  Position your marriage for blessing and build unity with your spouse
  •  Partner with the Holy Spirit to raise godly children

Stop wishing for change and take action now! You have the ability to dismantle the enemy’s plan and raise a victorious family.

Just $7 – Instant Access upon payment


  1. Kimberly Miller

    Some of you are looking for some good material to use for your church small groups or Bible study! It really is good stuff! 👍👏We use it. If you are a ministry leader, this will first bless you & your marriage💑 & family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 & bless those you lead. My husband & I believe leading begins at home first! Strong churches, strong ministries have strong marriages that start at the head down! This will bless you & your people. The book & study guide are great together! Both are must haves!

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