Accomplished Woman
The Accomplished Woman – #32
The “Accomplished Woman’s” duty was the “fear of The Lord”! Proverbs 31:29-30 29 Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all. 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Can you imagine a woman who excels above all women? We should remember…
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The “Accomplished Woman” is praised by her children! Proverbs 31:28 Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Children here would also include the grandchildren. The term arise here, or “rise up” can be translated succeed. The word “blessed” can translate “to lead or guide.” Her husband also…
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The “Accomplished Woman” knows how to Sabbath! Proverbs 31:27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness. Although the “Accomplished Woman” worked hard, we know she was not a workaholic. How can I say that? If she was, she would have been in disobedience to the law…
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Today I would like to give honor to my precious daughter in law, Sarah Newsom Blount. She is definitely one of my heroes of the faith. Her choice to advance through the adversities she has faced with such courage, grace and faith has challenged and inspired us all. Sarah, thank you for valiantly facing the…
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