Marriage Science

In today’s culture, people think that relational chemistry is this magical thing between two people and everything will be perfect and you will live happily ever after. But a huge part of marriage is bending, stretching, listening and bonding. To put it bluntly, GROWING UP!  Ouch! Iron sharpening iron makes a sharper more precise weapon, but…

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Prioritizing Joy In Your Marriage

“Laughter is as good medicine.”  That’s what the Bible says, and it’s true.  Well, at least, it’ssupposed to be. The problem that can creep into marriage relationships as time goes by is that our laughter begins to be directed AT our spouses, instead of us laughing WITH our spouses.  If this happens, the “medicine” of laughter becomes bitter, and that…

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Setting Goals As A Couple

We all enter into marriage with lofty expectations and dreams. That’s the easy part. The hard part is working day in and day out to keep your marriage dreams alive. We have all heard thousands of time that it is important to set goals. We’ve heard the statistics about how people who set goals are far…

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