What Teams Did God Ordain?
Welcome to Spring 2019 and thank you for taking the time to read our letter this month. We thank God that He has allowed us to have a voice to His people and we get to be a part of this great team called the church.
When you think about it, the Lord is really into teamwork. When He created the first man in the garden of Eden there was a period of time that Adam was alone as the only human. We don’t know how long that was, but there came the day when God declared, “It is not good for this man to be alone.” (Genesis 2:18)
We were made to be around other people and have relationships. People that are too alone and isolated can get weird in their thinking and become somebody like the “uni-bomber”, who lived out in the woods and blew other people up.
We all need to honor the teams that God has ordained. The first team that God put His stamp of approval on was marriage. Marriage is 2 people coming together in covenant. In marriage we make a commitment to each other and in the presence of God we are united. But that doesn’t mean you will always agree on everything. In fact, if you do agree on every little thing one of you is unnecessary. In marriage, we need to respect and listen to each other’s perspective and be willing to change. We need each other so that together we can make life better.
God ordains family as the team to perpetuate life on planet earth. Ideally, He designs parents as the trainers of children so that they can learn about the truths of God’s Word and be prepared to take on the world when they grow up. This is God’s way.
God also ordained the church as a team. If you want to grow and be healthy it is critical that you be an active, working member of a local church. We all need to hear the Word of God taught on an ongoing, regular basis (you need to go to church every week…that’s right…every week!) and you need to find the place of service in the body if you are going to be healthy in life.
These are the big 3 teams that God uses to perpetuate His plan on the earth. Trudi and I are honored to be a part of those that do ministry in this great body called the church. Everything we do in ministry is to help build the church.
With that said, I am thrilled to announce the release of our new kids music project that will bless the church. It is called “Shine A Light.” It is designed for kids aged 5-12 and is a great tool to teach your kids how to praise the Lord in song. It is available on CD or download on our website and also on iTunes and Spotify for purchase or streaming.
There are also videos available to download from our website, so that churches can use these songs to lead kids in worship. To those churches and individuals who gave to produce this music, a big thank you. We have plans to do more kids music in the future. If you would like more info go to “Echo Project” here: https://kenblountministries.com/echo-project/
Thanks to our partners and may you have a blessed and prosperous month as you follow Jesus.
We appreciate you,
Ken and Trudi