The Accomplished Woman – #29
Today I would like to give honor to my precious daughter in law, Sarah Newsom Blount.
She is definitely one of my heroes of the faith. Her choice to advance through the adversities she has faced with such courage, grace and faith has challenged and inspired us all.
Sarah, thank you for valiantly facing the most difficult thing a mother could face; the loss of a child. Thank you for turning it around and writing a blog called “10 Thousand Reasons to Give Him Praise” for 365 days; every day, for one year. Thank you for penning some of the best and most heartfelt teaching on thanksgiving and gratitude that I’ve ever read.
Thank you that because of your diligence and faith over 10,000 people around the world have been reached with your blog. Thank you for all the testimonies we have heard of women who have been healed and can now go on because they know God didn’t take their babies.
Thank you for bringing healing, understanding and a voice to a group of women who needed to know their babies, who are now in heaven, mattered in this life!
Thank you for being an inspiration to us all. You are truly a virtuous woman.
This is only the tip of the iceberg, Sarah Beth. Now as a pastor’s wife you will continue to bless multitudes of women with your life and faith. This is not only me talking. This is prophetic of your calling and how Jesus will use you in the future.
Psalm 103:2 Let all that I am praise the Lord. May I never forget the good things He does for me.