MINISTRY BUZZ: “Your children will come back…”

As I write this letter, I am flying home from a meeting this weekend. I am still excited from the service last night as the presence of God met us in a powerful way.

I preached on the importance of what the Bible says about our children, as I do just about every weekend. At the end of the service, we opened up the altar to pray for people who had family members: children, spouses, cousins, aunts, uncles…any family members…that they knew were away from Jesus.

The altars filled up with just about the entire congregation. As we boldly prayed in the name of Jesus you could just sense Jesus met us. I can’t describe in words how powerful those moments were. It’s like as we prayed you could hear the Lord roaring the words of the scripture, “Your children will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy!”


Jeremiah 31:15 (NLT)

15 Rachel weeps for her children, refusing to be comforted–for her children are gone.

16 But now this is what the LORD says: “Do not weep any longer, for I will reward you,” says the LORD. “Your children will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy.”

My point is this: We are living in a time that the family has been splintered like never before. The devil is taking his biggest shots at destroying the foundation and fabric of life, which is the family.

But in the middle of this devastating attack here in America and around the world, God wants to move to reunite families. The key to seeing family restoration is that we have to trust God and believe it.

In order to believe it, people must hear the truth preached about it. This is what Trudi and I are called to do. I know that we are not the only ones preaching this, but we are committed like never before to do our part to help restore this truth into the church. When I see God move like He did last night, it renews and refreshes us to continue boldly to fulfill our calling.

If you are part of Family Builders (link to donation page), thank you! Your financial gifts into this ministry make it possible for us to travel and produce family resources to fulfill our purpose. As you sow your seed gift this month Trudi and I stand with you that your family is blessed.

I declare and agree with you that this seed will produce a harvest of your family members coming to Christ in the days ahead. Claim this scripture and boldly declare, “My children are coming back home from the distant land of the enemy, in Jesus name.”

Have a blessed October.


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