


Ecclesiastes 4:12…And a 3 fold cord is not quickly broken.

The biggest reason for conflict in marriage? No doubt, it is misunderstanding each other. When it comes to resolving misunderstandings, the onus for leadership is given to the husband.

1 Peter 3:7 (NLT) In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together…

Men and women think so differently. For the most part, men tend to think more logically. They process more from the right side of the brain, or the analytical side. Women are so different. They process from the logical and emotional sides of the brain. That’s why when you are having disagreement, the woman is more apt to burst into tears. God designed marriage to be that way. Women help men get in touch with their emotions, if men will be willing to open up their heart and treat his wife with understanding.


This is on you, gentlemen. Is there something in your marriage that you just can’t seem to resolve? Go to your wife with a new attitude. Tell her you want to discuss this item, but when you do bite your lip and listen to her. Even more that listening to the words she is speaking, listen to the heart of what she is thinking and tryin g to say. And this is important: before you approach her pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you. If you believe it, He will.


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