Storm Scriptures

Every year around this time, we see severe weather across the United States that ranges from tornadoes, to floods and hail. As Christians we don’t have to just huddle up in the closet with our families and hope for the best. No, we have been given the authority to pray and speak to the weather…

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Where Is All My Time Going?

How often have you heard someone say, “I can’t do that because I don’t have the time”? Nowadays, people, both young and old, live life at such a hectic pace that there never seems to be enough time to complete all the things that they would like to do.

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Evil Speaking

God has given man two abilities which separate him from all other living beings on Earth. He has been given the ability to make a choice and the ability to speak. In the Book of Genesis, in the original Hebrew text, it says, “Man was created a speaking spirit.”

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Becoming a Joyful Mother of Children

When Ken and I first began walking with the Lord, we had tremendous conversions, and God immediately started to work in our lives. We saw Him do some miraculous things. He healed my incurable crossed eyes and set Ken free from alcoholism. But at times, our walk with Him wasn’t as consistent as it should have been, and quite honestly, we didn’t really know why.

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