All In
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 – For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
Adam and Eve fell because they listened to the wrong voice. Satan made Eve imagine that there was a better way than God’s way. They didn’t take their thoughts captive. When God came looking for them in the Garden, He called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?
Now God knew where Adam was, He is omniscient. I believe he was saying ”where are you in your mind”. They had listened and believed the voice of Satan over God’s.
Where are you today? Do you believe the voices in the world over the word of God? Are you ALL IN with God’s word or what the world is saying?
Sometimes we are not ALL IN because of how we view ourselves. Sometimes the voice we hear is our own. Inspired by Satan of course, but never the less a voice.
For many years after I became a Christian, I still didn’t know who I was. I did not see myself as God saw me and had no idea His truth was different from my opinion of me. Over my mind was a framework of inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy because of things from my past. When I processed information about myself, it had to filter through that negative grid I had created about myself first.
If you have heard my testimony you know when I was growing up I had crossed eyes, long story short, on my eighteenth birthday they were miraculously healed. But because of my past I had negative thought patterns. I always felt like people were rejecting me.
I felt ugly useless and unwanted. Even after my eyes were healed my thought patterns remained the same, You cannot be ALL IN with an unhealthy mindset about who you are in Christ. You need to be bold and renew your mind to what God says about you. That is what I did; I rebuilt my mind and how I saw myself with God’s word.
Maybe you have been disappointed in the past maybe someone or something did hurt you. Maybe you are afraid to trust people. Well, put it behind you! You can trust God. With him there is no gamble, He is the surety of a better life.
Joyce Meyer, in her book Beauty from Ashes wrote, “You cannot get beyond your own opinion of yourself…. no matter how many good things God may say about you in His Word. Regardless of all the wonderful plans God may have for your life, none of them will come to pass without your cooperation.”
So cooperate, put the voices fro the past behind you and be ALL IN.
Ken wrote a song on the “Love Out Loud” kids project we did called “One Of A Kind”. One of my favorite lines in that song is “I am a miracle ready to happen, a victory nobody like me, lookout trouble stand back worry, devil get under my feet.
Make these confessions:
I am your child, you love me and you are well pleased with me.
I praise you and thank you that I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ,
I thank you that you chose me in Him before the foundation of the world, that I would be holy and blameless before you. Eph.1: 3,4
Thank you that you redeemed me out of the hand of the enemy.
Satan was personally conquered for me through Jesus Christ and his finished work on the cross,
That act of love delivered me out of the authority of darkness and translated me into the kingdom of the son.
I will prevail in this life and accomplish all that I was sent here to do. I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.